Sunday, January 29, 2006

My last day at West Jesmond Primary School

(click the picture for larger view)

This is my last day at school at West Jesmond Primary School when I am at year 2.

My teacher's name is Mr. Restall. He can send me e-mail or messages for me.


Anonymous said...

Dear Joan,

We are all looking at your web site and thinking about you now that you have left West Jemsond.

We hope you will make lots of new friends.

Let us know how you are.
We will check this site every few weeks - when Mr. Restall remembers!

Love from Y2R.

Anonymous said...

Dear Joan, I am missing my assembly partner. I hope I don't get a smelly boy. I might be going to a new school too. I am feeling sick today so I am not at school. Monty thinks you look like Dora the explorer. Love from your friend Izzy.

Anonymous said...

Dear Joan

I am missing you alot. I hope you had a safe journey home. Have you made some new friends yet? I you have started a new school what is your teacher like? I saw myself on your website. I am on half term holiday this week we are decorating my bedroom and are going to paint it today. Charlotte and Ellen have no new best friend to play with yet they sit on the bench and think about you.

Love from Alexandra

Anonymous said...

Dear Joan,
I hope you like Indonesia.

I miss you so much.

Mr Restall has been forgeting again, to check your website!

Lots of love

Nina xxx